Make the Right Move to Parent Your Autistic Child

HBOT for Autism

A simple statement like good parenting drastically lessens the impacts of autism even without the help of medical assistance. This statement can definitely come as a shock for many parents who swear by the medical treatments their doctors have provided for their autistic child but good parenting does work wonders for your toddler. Let us put some facts to justify the above statement for people to get convinced that the statement stands true even in the contemporary times where medical science has progressed and advanced tremendously. Autism acceptance works just…

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Portable Hyperbaric (HBOT) Chambers for providing mild hyperbaria

Mild hyperbarics

Mild Hyperbaric Chambers used for HBOT therapy offers a safe and effective means of providing mild hyperbaria. These chambers were designed to combat the symptoms of High Altitude Sickness also known as AMS. The design is such that it snugly fits any area be it office, clinic or even your home sweet home! Physicians, clinics and wellness centers may now offer economical and efficient HBOT Therapy in-house without the need to outsource the treatment. Internationally patented, this chamber design is simple and effective. Using urethane-coated nylon bonded with proprietary steel-weld…

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All That You Ever Needed To Know About Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy


Let’s dissect the name first. Hyper meaning more and baric meaning pressure, that is how the therapy works. Increased pressure of the oxygen we breathe in signals the DNA in out cells to trigger healing activities that our body fails to perform under normal conditions. Oxygen and sugar is converted into cell-usable gasoline by the tiny organelles in our cell called mitochondria and the process is named cellular respiration. This however, is an extremely delicate process and even a hair thin alteration in the routine can knock the mitochondria off…

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Autistic Children Outgrow all the Social Impairments

HBOT for Autism

Childhood is always a pleasurable experience and young kids have the time of their life during their childhood. But that is a very general perspective that I am giving. Ever thought about those kids who are born autistic? Life is not a bed of roses for them and they have a lot of troubles to deal with and lot of battles to overcome autism. The biggest challenge that they face is that they are not easily accepted in mainstream society. They are made fun at and mocked at in almost…

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Five top treatments with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

HBOT for Autism

Treating Arterial Gas Embolism with HBOT-  You may hear a lot about Gas Embolism being incurable. There is no need to get intimidated. With a considerably proliferated use of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy this disease can be well healed. We need to know about the disease briefly before talking about HBOT and its role in healing the condition. Gas Embolism or Air embolism is a complex pathological condition caused by intrusion of a gas bubble inside the vascular system. A familiar symptom is Decompression Sickness commonly seen in underwater divers. Inert…

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Little Grace Kenitz Goes Dancing With Her Friends

This is the story of Grace Kenitz, a girl who suffers from a rare genetic disorder known as Mitochondrial Cytochrome C Reductase Deficiency since her birth. Refusing to see her daughter hooked up to machines any longer, Mrs. Kenitz decided to venture into the world of hyperbaric oxygen therapy. And within the first year of treatment, Grace was showing miraculous improvements. Grace is special. But this is not what just her mom thinks. Recently, Grace had been invited as a special guest to the 8th Grade Dance at Middleton’s Glacier…

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Autism Awareness: Benefits Of Treating Autism With HBOT Therapy

HBOT for Autism

With the rising number of autism cases getting registered worldwide every day, time is ripe when the subject of autism should be treated with much care and seriousness. This is one medical condition that cannot be wiped out from the face of earth completely through any medicine or treatment. But, there is a handful of therapeutic measures through which we can offer the autistic people a good living. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is one of the most effective methods of keeping this medical condition under control. April is being observed as…

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Protocols Of HBOT Treatment


The protocol for HBOT treatment depends greatly on the health condition of the particular patient. If the stage of the ailment is extremely advanced, then the frequency and time frame of the therapeutic sessions have to be lengthened and intensified. A trained and practicing physician should always be consulted before undergoing these sessions. In case of acute conditions, such as sports injury, or exposure to toxins, a couple of sessions are more than sufficient. For patients suffering from these conditions, therapies do not extend beyond a week to ten days….

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Fight Skin Problems With Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy


Mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy, another manifestation of conventional hyperbaric oxygen therapy, is being upheld and championed as the latest innovative treatment procedure in the field on medical science. It has provided a substantial reason for many patients, suffering from incurable health conditions, to get some relief from the burden of their pain. It is an innovative process of treatment that involves inhaling pure and unmixed oxygen in a specially engineered pressurized compartment known as hyperbaric oxygen chamber. The whole idea of this treatment procedure is premised on the law of…

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Some Simple Facts about Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy


Mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy is another form of conventional hyperbaric which functions to increase the oxygen level in our body’s blood plasma. With the oxygen level going up, higher amount of oxygen is supplied to our brain, tissues and organs. This therapy facilitates the direct absorption of oxygen into our blood and tissues, which serves to speed up the healing process, boosts the energy and stamina and maintain the balanced state of health. Oxygen is that element of air without which the survival of any biological entity becomes impossible. If…

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