Girls are Better at Masking Autism as Compared to Boys

HBOT for Autism

Autism is a neurological disorder that can be detected very easily among children by watching them closely and figuring out their social impairments in the form of reciprocating to other people’s actions and speech and their habit of repeating their actions. However, research has showed us time and again that this disorder is more common in boys than girls. Unfortunately many have also pointed out that it is easier to detect this among boys than among girls. This comes across as a surprise because the symptoms are similar for both…

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Make the Right Move to Parent Your Autistic Child

HBOT for Autism

A simple statement like good parenting drastically lessens the impacts of autism even without the help of medical assistance. This statement can definitely come as a shock for many parents who swear by the medical treatments their doctors have provided for their autistic child but good parenting does work wonders for your toddler. Let us put some facts to justify the above statement for people to get convinced that the statement stands true even in the contemporary times where medical science has progressed and advanced tremendously. Autism acceptance works just…

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Is there an Autism Epidemic?

HBOT for Autism

ASD or the Autism Spectrum Disorder is spectral disorder that affects the brain development. Characterized by the difficulties in social communication, verbal and non-verbal interaction and repetitive behavior, ASD is a not a curative disease. As per the findings of CDC, (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) one out of every 88 children in US have autism. Previously the data stood at 1 in every 110 children, but the leap of 25 percent has shocked many people. With more than one million children and adolescents now affected with autism, people…

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