HBOT Therapy Blog

What Should You Look For When Buying A Hyperbaric Chamber?
March 18, 2024 by Shiela Holmes

What Should You Look For When Buying A Hyperbaric Chamber?

At present, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT), for its therapeutic potential, has become immensely popular throughout the world. Hyperbaric oxygen chambers have emerged as a powerful tool to treat various health conditions. These chambers are not only used in clinics and hospitals but also beauty and wellness centers.

Inside a hyperbaric chamberindividuals breathe 100% oxygen at a higher atmospheric pressure, which improves blood circulation, accelerating the body’s healing power. Celebrities around the world, from top models to professional athletes, are also using personal hyperbaric chambers to keep themselves fit and rejuvenated from both inside and outside.

So, are you thinking of purchasing a hyperbaric chamber, too?

Whether you need it for personal or professional use, the following sections will guide you on how to choose the right hyperbaric chamber based on your needs. Let’s delve in!

Types of Hyperbaric Chamber

First things first! You’ll find different categories of hyperbaric oxygen chambers based on size, materials, and medical grade.

Based on their size and space capacity, there are two types of hyperbaric chambers:

  • Monoplace: can fit in a single person.
  • Multiplace: can fit in more than one person at a time.

Also, hyperbaric chambers are categorized into two types: medical grade and non-medical grade.

  • Medical-grade chambers: are hard, traditional hyperbaric chambers used in clinical treatments.
  • Non-medical grade chambers: are usually soft chambers used for mild HBOT therapy.

Additionally, there are options to rent hyperbaric chambers. It’s a go-to solution for individuals seeking cost-effective HBOT therapy sessions.

A rental hyperbaric chamber is beneficial for those, especially senior citizens and patients, who have difficulties traveling back and forth. Also, it is the most cost-effective option for individuals lacking an HBOT clinic near them. Moreover, renting a hyperbaric chamber is an economical option when you need it for one-time treatment and not for long-term needs.

7 Factors You Should Consider When Buying a Hyperbaric Chamber

With numerous hyperbaric chambers available in the industry, it’s common to feel overwhelmed when selecting the right one. We’ve enlisted some important factors that you should consider when purchasing a hyperbaric chamber.

1. Required Medical Grade: Mild or Medical

With different types of hyperbaric chambers available in the market, you need to consider your usage requirements. Hyperbaric oxygen chambers are not only used in hospitals to treat medical conditions but also in spas and gyms for skin and body rejuvenation. Therefore, consider whether you need the chamber for mild use or professional settings, like hospitals or clinics.

2. Safety Rating

Although the FDA has approved HBOT therapy for treating several medical conditions, not all hyperbaric chambers are completely safe to use.

The safety rating of your chosen chamber is an important point to consider. Whether you’re purchasing the chamber for personal or professional use, you should justify its safety standards. Consider checking all the safety records in the industry and its long-term functionalities as well.

3. Suitable for Children and Adults

All age groups, from children to adults, can benefit from hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Therefore, the chamber you’re opting for must be suitable for your required age group.

It’s important to consider that children or individuals with cognitive disorders may need assistance to remain calm during the therapy sessions. They may not feel comfortable or confident enough to sit alone inside the enclosed chamber. That’s why understanding the dimensions of a hyperbaric chamber is important.

4. Physical Dimension

The size of your hyperbaric chamber is crucial. These chambers are available in various sizes, so it is essential to measure the chamber’s circumference, length, and diameter to ensure that it fits your space.

Also, select the right chamber size after considering the following points:

  • The individual you’re purchasing it for should fit comfortably inside the chamber.
  • If you need the chamber for more than one person at a time.
  • You might need medical equipment to take inside the chamber.

5. Cost of the Chamber

The cost of a hyperbaric chamber differs depending on its type, efficiency, and material. The price tags of soft or non-medical hyperbaric chambers might range between $5,000 to $20,000. A medical-grade chamber that delivers oxygen at a higher pressure level might cost between $50,000 to $100,000 or more.

When looking for the right hyperbaric chamber, your budget might be a concerning factor but compromising quality and functionality for the budget is not recommended. In case you have a tight budget, you can always opt for renting a hyperbaric chamber instead of purchasing one.

6. Portability

If you’re purchasing a hyperbaric chamber for personal needs or mild HBOT therapy sessions, you can opt for a portable one. These chambers are convenient and easy to use. You can take a portable hyperbaric chamber whenever you’re on the go.

A portable hyperbaric chamber is beneficial, especially for:

  • Those who need to undergo hyperbaric oxygen therapy sessions quite often.
  • Those who need to travel a lot.
  • People living in remote locations, away from clinics or doctor’s chambers.

Moreover, various locations, including homes, hospitals, gyms, wellness centers, and more are embracing portable hyperbaric chambers and exploring their advantages.

7. Technical Support

Hyperbaric chambers are complex tools, and not everybody is equipped to manage them. Leaving the chamber to inexperienced hands can lead to adverse outcomes for those undergoing pressurized treatment.

Consider opting for a hyperbaric chamber that includes technical support in its pricing model. Therefore, if anything goes wrong during its installation or operation, you’ll be able to reach the manufacturer for help.

Choosing the Right Hyperbaric Chamber Manufacturer

Whether you’re opting for a rental hyperbaric chamber or thinking of purchasing one, choosing a genuine manufacturer is important. In order to make the right decision, make sure you check the testimonials online, watch videos, and check the chamber quality. This would be a smart way to justify a manufacturer’s reputation.

Featured Image Source @oxyhealth

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