Exploring the Advantages of Hyperbaric Therapy for Autism

Autism Spectrum Disorder or ASD is a neurological ailment affecting the behavioral, social, and communicative skills of a child. This is a debilitating ailment that can eventually result in the impairment of the basic cognitive and motor abilities of an affected individual. As per medical reports, statistics have revealed that 1 out of 59 children… Continue reading Exploring the Advantages of Hyperbaric Therapy for Autism

Evidence of Hyperbaric Therapy as a Promising Treatment for Autism

Every parent dreams of raising their child in the healthiest possible manner and strives to provide them with an optimum standard of living. However, there are a few instances wherein children develop health conditions, such as autism spectrum disorders, that can hamper their very long-term health, well-being, and happiness. What is an Autism Spectrum Disorder?… Continue reading Evidence of Hyperbaric Therapy as a Promising Treatment for Autism

Science Behind HBOT’s Efficacy in Autism Treatment

When it comes to Autism, very few tried and tested standard treatment methods exist, precisely why medicos are widely considering alternative forms of treatment like Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT). Several studies have revealed how using a hyperbaric chamber can help address recurring inflammation and damage caused in the brain, a precursor to Autism. Thus, HBOT has helped… Continue reading Science Behind HBOT’s Efficacy in Autism Treatment