Exploring the Advantages of Hyperbaric Therapy for Autism

Hyperbaric therapy for Autism

Autism Spectrum Disorder or ASD is a neurological ailment affecting the behavioral, social, and communicative skills of a child. This is a debilitating ailment that can eventually result in the impairment of the basic cognitive and motor abilities of an affected individual. As per medical reports, statistics have revealed that 1 out of 59 children in the United States are diagnosed with ASD on an average basis. The early signs of autism in children are known to set in anywhere between the ages of 1 to 3. The road to…

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Science Behind HBOT’s Efficacy in Autism Treatment

When it comes to Autism, very few tried and tested standard treatment methods exist, precisely why medicos are widely considering alternative forms of treatment like Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT). Several studies have revealed how using a hyperbaric chamber can help address recurring inflammation and damage caused in the brain, a precursor to Autism. Thus, HBOT has helped several families fighting Autism curb recurring symptoms and find a way to add more smiles to their lives. In this post, we take a look at the science behind hyperbaric oxygen therapy and how using…

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How Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Helps in Autism Treatment

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Helps in Autism Treatment

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, often abbreviated as HBOT, is a treatment process that leverages the benefits of oxygen to treat a number of medical conditions. In this method, a patient goes into a chamber, called a hyperbaric chamber. The atmospheric pressure inside this chamber is set above that of sea level so that maximum amount of oxygen can be delivered to the damaged tissues. Moreover, the increase in pressure allows for the oxygen to exponentially mix into the fluids of the blood of an individual. HBOT therapy also  allows higher absorption…

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How Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Relieves Autism

HBOT for Autism

The HBOT therapy has emerged as one of the safest and effective alternative treatment options for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Today, around 1 out of 68 children are diagnosed with ASD and it is expected that this number can increase in near future. There are several therapeutic, speech and occupational therapies to treat autism but they don’t offer a long-lasting result. The positive effects of all these treatments can last for few minutes or in some cases, for few hours. The symptoms and severity of each autistic case are different…

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Benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Autism

HBOT Benefits in Autism

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for autism has come up as an effective alternative treatment for children suffering from the neurodevelopmental disorder. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy or HBOT is a  treatment that involves inhaling oxygen in a pressurized chamber. It has been accepted as a successful treatment for many disorders like Carbon Monoxide poisoning, arterial gas embolism and more. 97% of oxygen in our body is carried by hemoglobin for circulation throughout the human body. With additional oxygen supply in the body, the percentage oxygen content of hemoglobin increases to 100%. Body tissues…

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HBOT Success Story: How HBOT Helped an Autistic Child

HBOT Helped Autistic kid

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is a preferred treatment option for patients afflicted by Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). There are several instances of autistic individuals having benefited from this effective treatment. Here we are sharing the inspiring story of little David. How HBOT Helped David – A Child with Autism David, an adorable seven year old, was just two when the doctors diagnosed him with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Since his infancy, David had the habit of expressing himself through hand movements instead of communicating his needs verbally. In due course,…

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HBOT Can Improve Autism – Is It a Myth or Reality?

HBOT improves autism

It is since 2004 that hyperbaric therapy has been in application to treat autistic patients, and there have been several reports which depict improvement in patient conditions after going through a number of sessions of this therapy. The effective benefits of HBOT have gradually raised its popularity, and in many cases it has created magic where medical therapies failed. Nowadays, parents often prefer applying hyberbaric therapy as a complementary treatment on their kids along with prescribed medications after consulting with doctors. Therefore, let’s know more on HBOT and Autism: What…

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Experience On HBOT Suggests it as Reliable Therapy


Have you heard of oxygen therapy? Yes, there is a therapy which is designed to treat many diseases. Not only that, but if a treatment does reduce the surgical pain and cost, then patients will definitely love it. Yes, we are talking about the oxygen therapy or HBOT (Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy). Hyperbaric medicine is designed to treat multiple diseases. A patient from Chennai shared his own experience on how hyperbaric medicine reduced his pain and surgery cost. Patient’s story on experiencing HBOT:                                              Image courtesy: http://www.techandinnovationdaily.com It is the story…

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Why should we choose HBOT device as a useful one?


A useful tool or device is going to be obsolete, what it should not be. Yes, we are talking about the hyperbaric chambers. Hyperbaric chambers are used to treat a lot of impairments and diseases. The diseases are listed below. # Gas embolism or gas gangrene # CO (carbon monoxide) poisoning # Diabetic foot ulcer # Decompression sickness # Hypoxia # Neurological impairments # Radiation injury (necrosis of bones and soft tissues) etc. The working phenomenon of HBOT (Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy) is very simple and is based on the principle…

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Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy benefits to treat low level Oxygen diseases

portable hyperbaric chamber

We know, except few of anaerobic microorganisms, viruses and sulphur bacteria, oxygen is an essential gaseous element for all living species including humans or us. Water, the alternative meaning of life also needs oxygen to be formed. So, absence of this important element from our life may cause serious issues. We value this life saving element when we are in conditions with inadequate amount of oxygen. There are many conditions when we experience the value of oxygen. Conditions due to Oxygen deficiency: The conditions caused due to lack of oxygen…

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