7 Common Myths of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

With the growing prevalence of several infections, wounds, gas embolisms, carbon monoxide poisoning, burns, and injuries, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is becoming a more popular and favorable treatment throughout the world. A large number of people believe HBOT therapy can boost the efficacy of their conventional medical treatment. However, some people doubt the effectiveness of this therapy.… Continue reading 7 Common Myths of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Effectiveness of HBOT Therapy in Relieving Pain

HBOT therapy is not a newest addition to the field of medical science but today, it is hailed as an integral part of medical therapy. Although it is mainly administered to take care of respiratory and cardiovascular systems, but medical researches have shown many evidences that attest to the fact that this therapy can render… Continue reading Effectiveness of HBOT Therapy in Relieving Pain