HBOT Transforms the LIfe of a US Army Veteran

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) has won critical acclaim in many quarters in recent years, both at home and abroad, for the way in which it has metamorphosed the lives of many patients. The amazing story of how the therapy ameliorated the life of Chris Daniels, a US Army Veteran, further reinforces the view. While serving in the armed forces, Daniels moved to Iraq in 2003 at the time of war, and stayed there for a couple of years. He had witnessed several bomb explosions from close proximity during his stint,…

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Research Suggests that HBOT Relieves Fibromyalgia


Fibromyalgia affects 1 in 70 Americans on average, and is more common among women than men. Out of more than 12 million Americans who suffer from it, a majority of patients are women who belong to the 25-60 age group. It is difficult to diagnose, and often confused with other medical conditions. As a result, a patient may be subjected to unrelenting pain for months or even years prior to its diagnosis. There are only a few therapies available at present which can relieve the shooting pains arising from fibromyalgia….

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Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Rejuvenated Joe Namath


In the decades following, the researchers uncovered that HBOT was effective in treating a number of conditions, such as Alzheimer’s, autism, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, stroke, and brain trauma. A pioneer in the field of hyperbaric medicine, William S. Maxfield, M.D., said Newsmax Health that HBOT is the best-kept secret in medicine in the U.S. How HBOT helped Joe Namath A quarterback of the Hall of Fame, Namath, reported that Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy rejuvenated him. The 71 year old icon of New York Jet said that he suffered a few…

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All That You Ever Needed To Know About Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy


Let’s dissect the name first. Hyper meaning more and baric meaning pressure, that is how the therapy works. Increased pressure of the oxygen we breathe in signals the DNA in out cells to trigger healing activities that our body fails to perform under normal conditions. Oxygen and sugar is converted into cell-usable gasoline by the tiny organelles in our cell called mitochondria and the process is named cellular respiration. This however, is an extremely delicate process and even a hair thin alteration in the routine can knock the mitochondria off…

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Some Benefits Of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy


Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, or HBOT functions on the basic principle of administering pure oxygen under higher atmospheric pressures. While traditional practitioners adhered to the fact that the percentage of oxygen needs to be a full 100%, recent developments have opined on the assertion that any percentage of oxygen that is higher than 21% is good enough for the treatment process, as slight modifications in the definition suggest that any amount of oxygen that is higher than that oxygen content in ambient air is good for the therapy. There are many…

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Some Simple Facts about Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy


Mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy is another form of conventional hyperbaric which functions to increase the oxygen level in our body’s blood plasma. With the oxygen level going up, higher amount of oxygen is supplied to our brain, tissues and organs. This therapy facilitates the direct absorption of oxygen into our blood and tissues, which serves to speed up the healing process, boosts the energy and stamina and maintain the balanced state of health. Oxygen is that element of air without which the survival of any biological entity becomes impossible. If…

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Cause a Boost to Your Immune System by Undergoing Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

HBOT for Autism

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is the latest addition to the list of boons, yielded by the unprecedented advancement in the field of medical science. The inception of this treatment procedure has pointed a new direction in the treatment of many incurable and life-threatening health problems including cardiac problems, strokes and digestive ailments. The administration of this therapy necessitates the placement of the whole body of the patient inside the hyperbaric chamber where he is exposed to an oxygen-rich environment at a pressure that is considerably higher than the normal barometric pressure….

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How Hyperbaric Therapy Boosts the Energy Level of the Athletes


Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has come as a blessing to the athletes and sport persons. This therapy has been made easily available to them with help of the portable hyperbaric oxygen chamber. Their demand is steadily on the rise because the athletes want to stay fit and healthy. Infact now sportsmen have started to use it so widely that they are turning the use of HBOT chambers into a trend. The portable chambers come with a set that has a foldable, zip up chamber and a generator attached to it which…

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All About Multiplace HBOT Chambers


Compared to monoplace HBOT chambers, a multiplace chamber for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is designed to accommodate more than one patient during an ongoing period of therapy. Such chambers are designed to withstand high internal pressures, even those cases in which it is raised up to 6 ATA, as the higher the level of pressure, the better are the chances of health improvement and recovery. The design, capacity and size of these chambers vary from facility to facility as every treatment center customizes the design according to the specific needs of…

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Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: A Holistic Risk-free Life-Saving Treatment Method

HBOT for Autism

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a therapeutic procedure the administration of which requires placing the whole body of the patients inside a compartment where the pressure is fixed at a level that is considerably higher than the normal atmospheric pressure. In the hyperbaric chamber the patient breathes 100% pure oxygen. This therapy is used worldwide as an aid to various surgical procedures and medical emergencies. The service of this therapy is sought to supply oxygen to the tissues and cells that fail to respond to the normal atmospheric level of oxygen….

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