Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy benefits to treat low level Oxygen diseases

portable hyperbaric chamber

We know, except few of anaerobic microorganisms, viruses and sulphur bacteria, oxygen is an essential gaseous element for all living species including humans or us. Water, the alternative meaning of life also needs oxygen to be formed.

So, absence of this important element from our life may cause serious issues. We value this life saving element when we are in conditions with inadequate amount of oxygen. There are many conditions when we experience the value of oxygen.

Conditions due to Oxygen deficiency:

The conditions caused due to lack of oxygen are listed below.

  • High altitude sickness
  • Decompression sickness
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning

These conditions can make us feel, how important the oxygen is for our survival. Apart from these, there are many disorders that don’t need lack of oxygen to occur, but inadequate amount of oxygen can result in further damage.

Conditions that meet the above statement are,

  • Diabetic foot wounds
  • Gas gangrene
  • Radiation injury of bones and soft tissues
  • Injuries in hypoxic condition
  • Retinal arterial block
  • Brain disorders
  • ROS formation due to oxidative stress

So, these two types of

  • Diseases caused due to direct oxygen deficiency


  • Diseases turning into fatal condition due to lack of oxygen

need higher or the adequate amount of oxygen to be healed. It is reported that hyperbaric oxygen therapy benefits the patients, with the diseases caused due to low level of oxygen.

Working phenomenon of HBOT:

HBOT (Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy) is totally based on a law of gas, which is specially applied in the soda bottle or a bottle of lemonade. The law states that, more pressure can dissolve more amount of a gas in a particular amount of liquid.

portable hyperbaric chamber
portable hyperbaric chamber

In case of HBOT, oxygen plays the role of gas and human blood takes the place of lemonade or soda water to dissolve more oxygen in it. Hyperbaric chambers are specially designed to create high atmospheric pressure of oxygen. The pressure created by the hyperbaric chambers with flash through system is almost equivalent of 2 atmospheric pressure. This pressure is sufficient to dissolve 10 times of the regular oxygen amount in blood. So, this is how hyperbaric oxygen therapy benefits under supervision of a clinician or a doctor.

Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy benefits to treat Autism:

Oxygen therapy is used to heal the diseases discussed above, and FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) has approved HBOT for the diseases, caused due to low level of oxygen.

HBOT is also used to treat neurological disorder like autism, though FDA has warned a manufacturing company of hyperbaric chambers not to promote HBOT or hyperbaric chambers for the unproven uses. FDA may think HBOT as an unproven therapy, but it is reported by many parents that, hyperbaric oxygen therapy benefits to treat autism of their disabled children, with the other behavioural interventions and therapies.

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4 thoughts on “Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy benefits to treat low level Oxygen diseases

  1. […] that they have worked well for their autistic children, are Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) and HBOT therapy. Consult your doctor to determine what type of therapies and treatments you should choose for your […]

  2. […] that they have worked well for their autistic children, are Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) and HBOT therapy. Consult your doctor to determine what type of therapies and treatments you should choose for your […]

  3. […] that they have worked well for their autistic children, are Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) and HBOT therapy. Consult your doctor to determine what type of therapies and treatments you should choose for your […]

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