Girls are Better at Masking Autism as Compared to Boys

HBOT for Autism

Autism is a neurological disorder that can be detected very easily among children by watching them closely and figuring out their social impairments in the form of reciprocating to other people’s actions and speech and their habit of repeating their actions. However, research has showed us time and again that this disorder is more common in boys than girls. Unfortunately many have also pointed out that it is easier to detect this among boys than among girls. This comes across as a surprise because the symptoms are similar for both the genders but then why detecting it becomes difficult among girls?

Why The “mask” That Makes Detecting Autism Among Girls Difficult

The inability to detect the symptoms among girls make matters worse for them because they go without medical assistance for a considerably long time compared to boys. The Autism Society believes that there is no specific symptoms that can categorize the child as autistic, instead there are a bulk of actions that are observed, thrown over a long stretch of time and clubbing them together makes the process of detecting this disorder easier. This is one of the most natural process and the problem comes when the actions of girls become confusing because girls by nature are shy about disclosing their problems, they are reserved and tend to talk less. However, all these natural instincts among girls make things difficult to understand because boys are more outspoken so understanding their problems in communication and their tendency to repeat actions is easy to analyze.

Researchers part of the University College London tried to study the differences in understanding this syndrome between the different gender groups. Girls tend to remain a recluse even if they are not autistic and this is one of the major reason why parents and teachers tend to overlook their habit of staying reserved. Girls are also very shy when it comes to discussing their problems and letting their weakness out in the open. It is primarily because of this that girls often go unnoticed. On the contrary, boys at a very young age are famous for being the notorious kids of the class who jump and run at the drop of the hat so if they suffer from autism then the symptoms become very visible.

It is true that autism as a disorder is more strong among boys than in girls but the process of diagnosing it is easier among boys than girls. This conclusion re-affirms the truth behind the statement that men are from Mars and women are from Venus. Doesn’t it?

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2 thoughts on “Girls are Better at Masking Autism as Compared to Boys

  1. Autism is a neurological disorder that can be detected very easily among children by watching them closely and figuring out their social impairments in the form.