How HBOT Helped Toros – A Child with Autism and Head Injury

HBOT Helped Toros

In recent years, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) has been steadily gaining momentum as an effective procedure for augmenting the natural healing process of the human body. Contrary to the belief of HBOT being a new-age treatment, the fact remains that it has been in existence since 1662 and has been administered as part of clinical treatment since mid-1800. This procedure involves inhalation of pure oxygen in a controlled total body chamber with increased atmospheric pressure. Medical practitioners generally recommend HBOT in addition to the patient’s existing health care plan, and…

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HBOT Can Improve Autism – Is It a Myth or Reality?

HBOT improves autism

It is since 2004 that hyperbaric therapy has been in application to treat autistic patients, and there have been several reports which depict improvement in patient conditions after going through a number of sessions of this therapy. The effective benefits of HBOT have gradually raised its popularity, and in many cases it has created magic where medical therapies failed. Nowadays, parents often prefer applying hyberbaric therapy as a complementary treatment on their kids along with prescribed medications after consulting with doctors. Therefore, let’s know more on HBOT and Autism: What…

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How HBOT Can Help To Improve Autism

HBOT for Autism

Autism: More or less we all know about this one neurological disorder, though autism is not only one disorder, it deals with different types of social skill impairments. It causes Improper verbal or non verbal communications Repetitive behavior Stereotyped behavior Lack of eye contact Cognitive disabilities These are the striking disorders. Apart from these, current studies suggest that the autistic children also suffer from, Sleepless nights Hormonal imbalances Immune deficiency etc. And according to the CDC data report of 2010, autism is found in 1 out of 68 children in…

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Early Diagnosis & HBOT Help Autistic Children To Stay In Old School

HBOT for Autism

Autism, which is a widespread neurological disorder, is found in 1 out of 68 children based on CDC data report of 2010. Autism is a neurological disorder that appears with symptoms like nonverbal communication, stereotyped or repetitive behavior and cognitive disabilities. In one sentence, a child with autism or ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) suffers from a lot of social skill impairments. So, early diagnosis can help in recognizing children with autistic symptoms and it also can help to take action at very early stage to fight back against autism with…

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Ways to Detect Autism Early in a Kid’s Life

HBOT for Autism

A lot has already been said about how autism is on the rise and the things that parents and doctors should keep in mind to ensure that a control is put on this neurological disorder. The other reason for worry is also the fact that the early signs are found out or detected at a very later stage. The only problem for detecting those signs so late is that it delays the medical treatment that needs to be practiced on the kids with the expectation that their condition will improve….

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How Photography Helps Parents Realize About Their Son’s Autism

HBOT for Autism

Parents tend to take capturing images of their little bundle of joy very seriously because they love sealing the moments in the form of pictures so that a look at those can help them re-live the moment over and over again. This story is about one such proud father who wished to do the same and continued doing so – clicking pictures of his son and watching them over and over again until one day he realized that the pictures did not seem normal. As a father he felt that…

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Girls are Better at Masking Autism as Compared to Boys

HBOT for Autism

Autism is a neurological disorder that can be detected very easily among children by watching them closely and figuring out their social impairments in the form of reciprocating to other people’s actions and speech and their habit of repeating their actions. However, research has showed us time and again that this disorder is more common in boys than girls. Unfortunately many have also pointed out that it is easier to detect this among boys than among girls. This comes across as a surprise because the symptoms are similar for both…

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Make the Right Move to Parent Your Autistic Child

HBOT for Autism

A simple statement like good parenting drastically lessens the impacts of autism even without the help of medical assistance. This statement can definitely come as a shock for many parents who swear by the medical treatments their doctors have provided for their autistic child but good parenting does work wonders for your toddler. Let us put some facts to justify the above statement for people to get convinced that the statement stands true even in the contemporary times where medical science has progressed and advanced tremendously. Autism acceptance works just…

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Helping People With Autism – Make Friends or Strike Up a Conversation

HBOT for Autism

One of the major problems of autism is the inability to communicate and interact properly in a social setting. But as parents and teachers you need to instill upon the child the right guidance and training so that they manage to eventually overcome the problem that this disorder throws at them and emerge a winner. The problem of communication is one of the major flaws of autism and this symptom at an early stage often leads to the child being the butt of all jokes and having no friends at…

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The Diet that Autistic People must Follow

HBOT for Autism

Autism is one mysterious disorder which still does not have any medical treatment that can cure it completely. Yes there has been a lot of medical assistance that can reduce the impact autism can have on your health but cannot cure it. People have discussed at length about the advancement medical science has made in this field but not many people have spoken largely about the kind of diet that is most suited for the autistic bunch of kids. It is important to also give attention to the kind of…

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