Advantages Of Taking HBOT Treatment in hyperbaric chambers

Following are the various advantages of  hyperbaric chamber therapy or HBOT.

Biochemical Improvement
HBOT helps to reduce excess concentrations of lactate, pyruvate, and ammonia, particularly in older people, which are detrimental to fitness and contribute to fatigue. Exercise typically causes significant increase in these substances.

Increase of capacity for strenuous exercise
HBOT allows for this ability during rehab, this is of great importance in the rehabilitation heart disease patients, for the treatment of mild hypertension and for lowering blood lipids.

HBOT’s role in Stroke Rehabilitation

Activates dormant neurons in the penumbra zone.
Relieves spasticity
Facilitates movements
Improves motor power
Reduces stroke recurrences
Increases physical and mental exercise capacity

HBOT’s role in Head Injury Rehabilitation

Decreases cerebral edema in acute stage
Decreases spasticity
Accelerates recovery
Improves cognitive function recovery in combination with brain jogging
Relieves post-traumatic headaches

HBOT’s role in Paraplegia Rehabilitation

Relieves spasticity
Improves vital capacity
Increases exercise capacity
Decreases hyperammonemia resulting from exhaustive exercise.

HBOT’s role in Myocardial Ischemia

Improves exercise capacity
Prevents recurrence of ischemic episodes
Decreases BP in hypertensives
Long-term use reverses atherosclerosis

Benefits of Exercise Under HBOT in Patients with Ischemic Leg Pain

Increases painless exercise capacity
Relieves pain both at rest and on activity
Reduces biochemical disturbances resulting from exercise of ischemic muscles
Counteracts the vasoconstriction effect of HBO
Improvement is maintained after cessation of HBOT when the ceiling effect is reached

Benefits of HBOT in Sports Injuries

Reduces swelling and pain in acute stage
Speeds up recovery and return to active training
Improves fracture healing
Aids recovery from exhaustion and collapse

The above material referenced from Textbook of Hyperbaric Medicine – KK Jain

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